"Something Is Coming"

The very act of writing these thoughts out

Of explicating 

And articulating 

Waters down their meaning


You can’t stop what is coming

You take an inventory and it’s all around us

The coming crisis 

And if you understand it, you don’t understand it 


But you already know this

And know there’s nothing you can say

Without sounding like an asshole

With a Punisher sticker on your truck


But the very act of saying this out loud

Defines it down

And turns it into a story

Something swallowable 


I am a creature, of habit

I can’t be stopped

And it’d be nice if I could stay around

At least until my fifties


So I use charts on walls

And calendars and construction paper rings

But it doesn’t take, not for very long

Bit by bit I destroy my future 


I can see and that must mean there’s more to this 

But I’m mistaken

I’m misreading

We’re seeing ghosts in the machine


I am a creature of my habits

A human being 

A prisoner of impulse

Control is gone


It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone

It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone


We’re in a system that’s rotting 

Working as designed 

A Shock Doctrine open market

A run on the floor 


It’s here to stay, it’s consensus

It’s inevitable

We can fight over what this says about us 

While they’re selling our stuff for parts


They say “What you need is self-empowerment

Forget a health insurance plan

‘Cause you can get what you are after 

You just need to want it hard enough” 


Throw some chum into the water 

And watch the audience

We’ll keep it going as long as we can 

It won’t get better, it gets worse


It’s worse, it’s worse, it’s worse

It gets worse, it’s worse, it’s worse


We’re on a body that’s burning 

Moving on course

Shaking us off like a wet space-dog 

Before the damage can’t be undone


It’s a modern feudal manor

And folks, you love to see it

We fall behind and we won’t catch up

But at least our phones are smart 


And they’ll celebrate how far we’ve come 

And we’ll think we should agree

But they can never describe it accurately

It’s that which must not be named 


The very act of spelling this all out 

Invites remorse 

But there’s no remorse for what you didn’t do 

For when your control is gone 


It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone

It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone

It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone

It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone